viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014


·        Generally speaking, we can observe from the graphic that 3 students above 16 have lowered their level of stress through the two-year period.
·        Talking to the school psychologist and having a look at the dates the test were written by the students, it is easy to say that the time of the year and the age also has a great influence on the results. Actually, students might be more relaxed at the beginning of the school year, however, by the end of the second term and in their last year of secondary school, their stress level of stress goes up non-stop.
·        Other points must be taken into account in determining these figures such as personal problems that have appeared or evolved during these 2 years.
·        In conclusion, after having passed the tests in these two periods on a group of students that have been involved in the project, we can say that the latest adolescence is a hard period as regards stress and  through music they can cope some of it, but they need a wider range of tools to be helped. However, having been asked about music, a great number of students agreed in listening or producing music as a good technique to get rid of stress.

Begues, 3 April 2014

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